Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Maverick and the MILF

Hey guys!

So by now we've all seen and heard McCain's introduction to his 3rd wife. Errr, scratch that; his running mate. An although I love a gun-totin', pro-life, beauty pageant winning MILF as much as the next guy; is this the kind of change we're looking for?

For the last 6 months we've been fed the bullshit of how Obama's waaaaaaaay too inexperienced; now we're to believe that a person whose resume includes mayor of a "city" with a population circa 8000 is qualified to be #2. Well then quite frankly I'm fuckin' qualified to be Emperor.

Seriously, I was playing for more people back in Fairfield as a teenager. I was a friggin' Blues Man.... ever heard of me?!? Of course you have.


But I digress. Unfortunately, the now desparate Republican Party is doing anything in hopes to generate buzz for the aging McCain. The GOP is hoping women will vote with their hoods instead of with their heads.

John's for the ladies and I know the ladies will vote on the issues and not the poli-tricks.

Peace Out!

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