Thanks to everyone that's been sending emails wondering where I've been. Well I haven't been anywhere really just been preparing for last night's big Hopeformercial.
Man was it an experience. I cried. Twice. And I'm not ashamed to say it either. It was one of the most amazing heart-warming pieces on television; it actually got people watching primetime network television.
According to the AP/Nielsen 33.6 million people tuned in and had the audacity to hope... and Pushing Daisies even got some of their hopes and dreams answered... people stayed and found out that they actually have something on Wednesday nights on ABC.
What more can you possibly ask for? This man has not just put his life on the line, inspired a nation, and dared us to dream the impossible... he got people watching ABC when Desperate Housewives isn't on. The genuine article.
Big-O, you ROCK!
Peace Out,
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