This past Tuesday, Father Time challenged That One to a pissing contest of epic proportions. In an effort to point out Barry's "history of earmarks and wasteful spending," Father Time cited a request for a "$3 Million overhead projector."
What a powerful image that portrays. I mean I keep thinking about those shitty boxes with a lamp in it that college professors used in their lectures. And to be honest, if you're paying more than a couple hundred bucks then that's a rip off.
That would even burn your boy JM; except that's not what we're talking about here. The "pork barrel project" Father Time was speaking about was an upgrade to a planetarium (not plane-arium) in Chicago. You know the kind that is used to educate kids and those that wanna learn about that big black thing with the sparkly stuff in it at night. I mean, clearly two different things entirely.
Now I admit, I've owned more cameras than any man should be comfortable admitting to, but maybe, just maybe, this has created a bias. In an effort to not be partisan in our country's most difficult time I've provided a couple of links for Father Time that may help him get it together.
Overhead Projector vs. Zeiss Mark VI star projector.
Special shout out to Technology and the PVSD and Gizmodo for helping in clearing things up.

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