Sunday, October 19, 2008

We're getting close

Hey guys, John Mayer here!

What a crazy election year this is going to be. We're down to the last two weeks and we're fast approaching the zero hour and although we can not ease up on our fight against those who'd not let the world change.

Well fear-not rebels; the WSJ says that over the last month we've all chipped in the last of 401k and have put Barry O to a record $150M in campaign money. Not too shabby for millions of "Joe the Plumbers."

The news comes at a most crucial time. Just as we've all come off the final debate's plumber high, the latest polls are showing Father Time edging up in some states closing the gap. It's more than a simple numbers game that we're playing here, the very opportunity to change the world hangs in the balance.

So let's not let up and keep the movement going. It ain't over til Nov 5th... and we got work to do.

Peace Out!

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